Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Social Networking and Marketing

The speaker for today's job club was someone who does marketing and advertising. She talked about the pros and cons of social media and how you can use it to market yourself. There is little privacy with social media and employers use social networking like Facebook to investigate applicants. If you have your address listed, people can use google maps to see where you live. Bottom line is be careful what you post on networking sites. You can use it to your advantage by posting photos that give a positive image of yourself to employers. The representative suggested that you highlight where you come from with a photo. For example, those in the Pacific Northwest should have a photo with a tree in it, be dressed in casual attire and have a dog. A black lab or golden retriever is preferable. She even said borrow someone's dog if necessary.

It seems to me there is a lot of game playing in looking for a job. I want to present myself in a genuine and honest manner.

I had a chance to show her my portfolio and business card to get feedback. She gave me some tips to improve my business card. She said the design should focus people's attention to the upper left corner first. She said her eyes were drawn to the saying I have which is in the bottom right.

She was impressed with my portfolio. One of her favorite pictures was the one I took of my cat through a glass door. Several people have favorably commented on this one.

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