Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Design and The Paper Towel - It's Not About Looking Pretty

Would you hand a potential employer your resume on a paper towel? 

Because small businesses are looking at cost savings for their marketing and they want to concentrate on what they actually do rather than spending a lot of time on the marketing, they are just happy to have something out there. They have good SEO results, their information is out there. They are good to go. Right? Design doesn’t matter, right?

They ignore the importance of first impressions. What they don’t think about is that their marketing materials, whether it’s the web, social media or print, are their resume to the general public. As an employer will consider a well dressed, professional candidate with a polished resume over a candidate in jeans, t-shirt, and a resume on a paper towel, so the general public will gravitate to the professional looking website, brochure or business card.

Color, composition, and text used effectively can give a powerful message that can bring attention to the small business owner’s company. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses don’t consider these elements in presenting their message to the public. I’ve seen websites with black backgrounds and yellow text. It’s not only hard to read but is hard on the eyes. 

Below is an example of what I’m talking about.

The second example shows how the black and yellow color scheme can be used for a more professional look. It’s how the two colors are used that makes a big difference. The dark text on a light background is also easier on the eyes.

To see examples of my work go to my website: