Sunday, July 15, 2012

 For the last two years, I've revised the 31st LD Democrats brochure. This is what they gave me.

Original inside and back flap.
Original back and front side.

In 2011 I took the original, added the new membership form and used one of their logos. I tweaked the logo a little bit by adding some stars. The brochure became a trifold which allowed more room for the membership form on the inside but not as much room for the map on the back.

For 2012 I added the new 31st district map and redesigned and reorganized the information on the brochure. The membership form had no changes so I'm only showing the back and two sides.

This version looks more interesting, I think, but still could be improved. The layout was done in InDesign.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Finally entered a Deviant Art contest. Creating a T-shirt design inspired by music with a maximum of 5 colors was the challenge. Click on the link to see my design.
Volunteering for a local chamber of commerce and not as a graphic designer. It gets me out of the house and helping people who stop in town. I get to tell people where to go :) I'm learning a lot about what's available in the local area which makes me feel like getting out more. I do enjoy helping people find places to eat, stay, and have fun.

I've been talking to them about adding their logo to the front window.